The Power of the Vision Board
At the beginning of each New Year, like most people, I usually sit and reflect on the struggles, successes, failures and triumphs of my previous year.
I've tried to set myself 'New Year Resolutions' in the past; but unfortunately I never seem to be too successful at sticking to them. For example one year I decided that I was going to change my diet and become extremely healthy! For the first few weeks I was super motivated, and chose all the right foods, cooked from scratch and drank 2 litres of water every day.
But over time I lost my focus and found myself giving up and going back to my unhealthy habits - thus making myself feel like a failure.

Five years ago I decided to begin my year differently with a Vision Board!
I spent a couple of days thinking about all the things I wanted to achieve and gathered pictures off of the internet and from magazines and arranged them on a pin board. ( I even laminated them!)
That January I had decided that what I wanted most was to leave the rented rooms I had at a hair salon and open my own salon.
At the time it seemed like such an impossible goal! I had no savings whatsoever and no idea of where this salon might be.
I could of got hung up on all of the obstacles in my way and just given up there and then, but a small voice inside my head pushed me to keep going and make my Vision Board.
Now the trick to a successful Vision Board is to not just make it and forget about it.
I hung my board somewhere that I would see it every day - in my bedroom!
And each morning and evening I would stand in front of my board and imagine how it would feel to achieve everything on my board.
Sometimes I would focus on just one thing and other times I would pretend I had achieved it all.
The picture I liked to focus on the most was a picture of my own salon.
I would imagine how it would feel to open the doors on the very first day, how it would feel to look around and know that I alone had been the one to make it all happen, and how proud I would feel of myself for reaching my goal.
I was so focused on this dream that I couldn't stop thinking about it, or even talking about it!
As the weeks past every time I looked at my Vision Board I would feel a wave of excitement and pride.
I didn't know how or when I was going to achieve it, but I truly believed that it was going to happen.
This is the CRAZY part!!!!
By May the SAME year I signed the lease for my OWN salon and had managed to save £15,000 to do renovations.
In five short months I had reach my goal - something that I thought would take me years to achieve.
By standing looking at my vision board every day and imagining how it would feel to get everything I wanted I had turned my dream into a reality.
And the best part is that you could do it too!
I will be beginning 2022 with a new Vision Board, with bigger and better dreams - and I promise to keep you updated on how it's going!!!
If you are putting together your own board I would love to hear all about it, because anything is possible...
I hope you have an amazing 2022, love Jodie xoxo