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The Essential Guide to SPF: Protecting Your Skin During Summer

As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, it’s crucial to keep your skin protected from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen isn’t just a summer accessory—it’s your first line of defence against sun damage, premature ageing, and even skin cancer. Here’s everything you need to know about SPF and why it’s your summer skincare superhero.

Understanding SPF

SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, measures how well a sunscreen protects against UVB rays, which are primarily responsible for causing sunburn and skin cancer. The higher the SPF number, the greater the protection.

  • SPF 15: Blocks approximately 93% of UVB rays.

  • SPF 30: Blocks approximately 97% of UVB rays.

  • SPF 50: Blocks approximately 98% of UVB rays.

However, it’s important to note that no sunscreen can block 100% of UVB rays, so reapplying regularly is key.

Why SPF Matters

  1. Prevents Sunburn: SPF protects your skin from burning, reducing the risk of painful sunburns.

  2. Reduces Skin Cancer Risk: UV exposure is a leading cause of skin cancer. Using SPF daily helps lower this risk.

  3. Prevents Premature Ageing: UV rays accelerate skin ageing, causing wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. SPF shields your skin from these effects.

  4. Maintains Even Skin Tone: Sun exposure can lead to hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. SPF helps prevent dark spots and discoloration.

Tips for Using SPF Effectively

  • Choose Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen: Look for a sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays.

  • Apply Generously: Use enough sunscreen to cover all exposed skin, and don’t forget often-missed areas like ears, lips, and the tops of feet.

  • Reapply Every 2 Hours: Especially if swimming or sweating, reapply sunscreen regularly to maintain protection.

  • Use Sunscreen Year-Round: UV rays are present even on cloudy days and in winter months. Make SPF a daily habit.

SPF in Your Skincare Routine

  • Daily Moisturiser: Opt for a moisturiser with SPF for daily protection and hydration.

  • Makeup with SPF: Choose foundation or powder with added SPF for easy touch-ups throughout the day.

Enjoy the Sun Safely

While it’s important to protect your skin with SPF, don’t forget to enjoy the sun responsibly. Seek shade during peak sun hours (10 AM to 4 PM), wear protective clothing, and pair SPF with sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat for added defence.

Choose Your SPF Wisely

At Luna Beauty Lounge, we prioritise your skin’s health year-round. Incorporate SPF into your daily routine and reap the benefits of healthy, glowing skin for years to come. Visit us to explore our range of SPF products and discover your perfect summer skincare regimen.

Let’s embrace the sun safely and keep our skin healthy and radiant!


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