How to Set BIG Goals
Since my last blog post about Vision Boards I've been asked by a few people how I go about setting goals.
If like me you have some massive goals that you would like to achieve; it can either seem too far from your reach or you may lose faith because it's difficult to imagine ever reaching your goals.
The way I approach my goal setting is to start thinking really, really big!
The bigger the better!
For example you might want to become the Managing Director of the company you work for, or own a mansion house in the Cheshire country side or publish a Times 100 bestselling novel.
No matter how big your goal is don't be afraid to write it down.

"How do you eat an elephant? - One bite at a time!"
Now at this point it is really easy to become overwhelmed, after-all you might live in a rented flat how are you ever going to afford a mansion???!!!
The trick is to take your massive goal and start to figure out what do I need to do in order to achieve it.
What qualifications do I need?
What experience should I get?
Who should I speak with?
What research do I need to do?
Brainstorm all things you need to do in order for to get to where you want to be.
For example if I wanted to write a bestselling book I would need to learn what is involved in writing, take some classes, meet other authors, find a mentor, etc
That massive goal you have can now be broken down into smaller more achievable goals.
Basically you are creating a road map to where you want to end up!
By breaking your goals down into bite-sized chunks you are able to give yourself small wins along the way to your massive overall goal.
Every time you reach one of your smaller goals you will feel motivated and you won't ever lose focus because you have the road map to where you are going!
I hope this helps with your quest to reaching your dreams, and remember all you need to do is take one bite at a time.
Love Jodie xoxo