How to get rid of spots!
Unless you are extremely lucky, then at some point in your life you will have suffered from an unattractive pimple or spot.
You may get the occasional outbreak, or you may suffer with persistent acne.
Whilst spots can be painful and irritating, the effect on your self-confidence can sometimes be the biggest issue.
I don’t know about you but when I suffer from a breakout, I’m sure people are staring at that red angry pimple on my chin. But most people are so focused on their own insecurities that they won’t even notice.
So, what causes spots in the first place?
Every person is different and there’s no one clear answer. It can be down to hormones, stress, imbalances in the skin or even using the wrong products for your skin type.
Now I’m sorry to say that I’m not going to give you a miraculous overnight cure.
The truth is, even with the perfect skincare routine, you can still get spots.
However, I will tell you what you can do to help reduce the chances of an outbreak and how to keep on top of those spots for good!
First on the agenda is spot squeezing. Just don’t.

I know it’s difficult not to start prodding when you first notice a spot, but it can often make things worse.
If you start squeezing and don’t know exactly what you’re doing, you can easily damage the skin and spread infection. In some cases, this can even cause scarring.
You may have visited a dermatologist or beauty therapist who has squeezed you spots, but they have the right equipment and are specifically trained in skin care, so leave it to the professionals.
Don’t over cleanse.
Some people think that the cleaner your skin is, the less likely you are to get spots.
This is not true.
As I said earlier, someone with the perfect skincare routine can still get spots.
Having spots doesn’t mean you have dirty skin.
Don’t get me wrong, you should definitely keep your skin clean but cleansing twice a day is enough.
If you clean your skin more than this, you can strip away essential oils which can dry out your skin and cause irritation.
Sticking to a routine will help to regulate your skin.
I recommend cleansing, toning and moisturising when you get up in the morning and again before you go to bed.
This leads me onto our next point…
Don’t sleep in your make-up.
If you leave your make up on overnight it just sits on your skin and clogs up your pores, which inevitably leads to breakouts.
If you do wear make-up to cover up your spots, try not to overload it.
I know it’s tempting to use your bodyweight in concealer, but it stops the skin breathing and getting the vital oxygen it needs.
A make-up free day once a week will make the world of difference.
Tea tree oil is your friend.
It has amazing natural healing properties as well as being antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.
Just be warned, this essential oil is very strong and not all skin types react well to it when applied neat.
It can dry out the skin, which in turn can cause irritation.
If you have sensitive skin, I recommend adding a few drops into a plain cream moisturiser. This way you get the benefits from the tea tree but also hydrate the skin too!
If you prefer, you can use a spot gel to target individual breakouts.
I love the Eve Taylor Purifying Spot Gel. It contains tea tree but also has the added benefits of lavender and lemongrass, which are anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-septic.
It also helps brighten and repair the skin.
Just apply directly to the spot and leave to dry before applying moisturiser.
Stop touching your face.
Your hands are constantly touching different surfaces which have bacteria on them.
Make sure you wash your hands regularly and use an antibacterial wipe to cleanse over mobile phones, headphones, gaming headsets or anything else that is going to be touching your face on a regular basis.
Also, keep your hair off your face. Hair contains a lot of oil, so if you have a fringe, you may notice that areas like your forehead are more oily and more prone to developing spots.
Another reason some people suffer from breakouts is because of a bad diet.
Unfortunately, fried food and take-aways contain a lot of sugar and oils which can lead to bad skin.
Try to maintain a healthy balanced diet and eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
This will help your body get the essential vitamins and minerals it needs, which not only helps with your physical health but also helps boost your immune system.
You should also drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and flush out the toxins that often lead to breakouts.
Lastly, hormones.
Whilst this is a common issue for teenage skin during puberty, you may also encounter spots if you are going through the menopause or if you are due to come on your period. Any kind of hormonal imbalance can upset the skin.
Stress can affect the body in so many different ways. Some people suffer from eczema or psoriasis and some people get spots!
Lack of sleep can also cause your body to release a stress hormone which then upsets your natural balance and leads to spots. It’s a vicious cycle. So put your feet up, take it easy and look after your skin.
If you are struggling with persistent acne then you may consider a course of IPL treatments, which are medically proven to kill the Acne bacteria.