Science proves that massage boosts your immune system!
For years I have harped on to anyone who will listen (mainly my poor suffering husband) about the benefits of massage.
There are the obvious benefits of kneading out knots and tense muscles, which over the years I have become an expert in finding and relieving my clients' aches and pains.
But the other benefits, which may sound a bit woo woo and out there, are the emotional benefits.
Over the last few weeks we have shared insight into studies which have proven that massage can help with anxiety and depression, and can also help you get a good night's sleep!
During my research I came across an article about a study (read full article) which was conducted to see if massage really does boost the immune system and they found some astonishing results:

Individuals who had a massage experienced significant changes in lymphocytes,
lymphocyte numbers and percentages white blood cells that play a large role in defending the body from disease.
Swedish massage caused a large decrease (effect size -.74) in Arginine Vasopressin (AVP) a hormone believed to play a role in aggressive behaviour and linked to helping cause increases in the stress hormone cortisol.
Swedish massage caused a decrease in levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Swedish massage caused a notable decrease in most cytokines produced by stimulated white blood cells.
It’s not surprising that for centuries massage has been used in medicine, because the results are awesome!
If you would like to book a massage give us a call on 0161 4785412 or book online
Stay healthy, Love Jodie Finnigan xoxo