Why we are so AWESOME at massage!?

Not all massage therapists are created equally, there I said it! I’m not trying to be controversial, or rude, but I wholeheartedly believe that you either have it or you don’t when it comes to being an awesome massage therapist! At beauty college you are taught a routine to follow when you are learning massage. This routine includes some of the main movements that you will use throughout your career, and it’s a great way to practise your technique. But an awesome massage can’t be achieved by following a basic routine, in fact a routine will never achieve the results that most of us look for when booking a massage. Unfortunately for a lot of therapists their learning ends straight after college, unless they are willing to take additional courses to improve upon their knowledge and skills. These courses can be very expensive, but are a great investment if you want to be great! BUT to be an awesome massage therapist it doesn’t matter how many qualifications and certificates you have accumulated if you don’t listen to your intuition and read with your hands. OK, that last bit might sound a bit strange, let me explain... When you walk into Pamper Me we have already noticed the way you walk, stand and sit. We notice straight away if one shoulder is higher than the other, or if your core is weak, or if your energy is low. Without placing a hand on you I can tell what muscles need work, sometimes its because I can see it but mostly it’s because I just know. I don’t know whether it’s because I have been a therapist for over 15 years and my experience has made me more aware of what is going on with your body, or if it is just my intuition telling me, but I believe it’s a mixture of both! At Pamper Me we consult you before we begin to find out what you want us to work on, just because you book 60 minutes doesn’t mean we need to do a full body massage, we can spend that hour where it counts! So if you have a sore back you may want us to focus on that instead of massaging your hands or ears! But if you just need to relax then a full body treatment may just be what you need to silence your mind and switch off. We never do the same massage twice! Even on the same person. I think routines are for lazy or incompetent massage therapists, which is why we don’t have one! An awesome massage is when your therapist uses her hands to read what is going on with your body. If she feels a tight muscle they should spend time loosening it and breaking down any knots, rather than just moving onto the next move in her sequence. All the time during your massage we are looking for signs on what we need to do to help you, we know when we can press deeper or if we should ease off because your body will tell us. A therapist who doesn’t read with her hands will either end up hurting you or giving you a massage that is ineffective. Also it’s not just about your muscles, it’s about your state of mind. If you have low energy then an extremely deep tissue massage could be too much for you and cause more harm than good. You might need a more restorative approach to your treatment to help boost your immune system and increase your energy. As the founder of Pamper Me I have personally handpicked and trained all of our massage therapists to ensure that firstly they have what it takes to be an AWESOME massage therapist and that we are all offering the same standard of care. Through regular training I teach our therapists to read with their hands, listen to their intuition and give the most AWESOME massage they possibly can! If you need an AWESOME massage get in touch! We would love to hear from you! Love Jodie Finnigan xoxo To book your next massage either call 0161 4785412 or book online www.pamper-me.co.uk